HartswoodTennis Club Support Free Week of Tennis For Local School
Justin time for the British Summer of Tennis, Hartswood Tennis Club hosted a localPrimary School from 1-3pm Monday to Friday to enjoy free coaching fromChristian and The Lovetennis Team. This has become an annual summer event whichis always looked forward to with great anticipation.
Over200 children took part with a significant number of children experiencingtennis for the very first time. The energy levels from the team was high as youwould expect and encouragement was flowing from all the courts.
Thechildren and teachers absolutely loved their experience and the children wereboth engaged and inspired throughout.
Itwas a wonderful example of truly giving back to the local community andsomething that Hartswood Tennis Club and the Christian Gallan’s Lovetennis Teamare very passionate about.
Hopefully this was just the inspiration for some ofthe children to pick up racket and begin their tennis journey