We are dedicated to nurturing our talent through performance training and a support environment to produce top level players and county winning teams.
In 2024, Middlesex saw several players secure International and National Titles, with Mika Stojsavljevic leading the way by winning the US Open Junior Girls Title. In team events, Middlesex finished as runners-up in the County Cup Race and claimed seven national titles.
We run county training sessions throughout the year for players aged 7+ to 18 and Under. These feed into the selection process for our County Cup Teams and focus on tactical and doubles training for players.
We are also looking to host more camps for players aged 6 or 7 to provide guidance into competition.
New River Programme
We run an indoor programme at New River Leisure Centre to enhance and provide weekly indoor sessions for players based In North London. These sessions currently run on Monday evenings (yellow ball) and Friday evenings (orange and green ball) by Peter Neathey and Andrew Lewandowski.
County Cup
County Cup events provide the opportunity for players to represent their county on a Regional or National stage across all age groups from 8U to over 75s. Middlesex gains points based on their performances at Junior events and adult events towards the county cup race.
Find out more about the formats and how we have done in the past year.
If you are interested in the programmes above, please contact us at [email protected].